Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Customer Solutions

Audible Plus

CloudFront Migration Series (Part 2): Audible Plus, The Turning Point

Introduction In 2020, users have come to expect a flawless streaming media experience, whether it’s video, music, or audiobooks. Playback must start quickly and be resilient to changes in network availability and bandwidth. To deliver all of this content, you must have a performant, highly available and reliable Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reach customers […]

Scale your Remote VPN on AWS

Scale your Remote Access VPN on AWS

AWS gives you the ability to extend existing on-premises remote access VPN solutions to the cloud. This not only allows access to resources within AWS, but using hybrid connectivity, also to on-premises resources. VPN clients use AWS internet connectivity as an entry point, and the flexibility of Amazon EC2 to scale capacity behind remote access […]