Networking & Content Delivery


Hosting Internal HTTPS Static Websites with ALB, S3, and PrivateLink

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a powerful platform that enables you to do various tasks. One notable feature is the ability to create a bucket with an FQDN, point an alias record to the bucket website endpoint, and immediately get up-and-running with an HTTP static website. If you want to serve HTTPS traffic […]

CloudFront now Supports ECDSA Certificates for HTTPS Connections to Origins

See how you can now use Amazon CloudFront to negotiate HTTPS connections to origins using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA uses smaller keys that are faster, yet, just as secure, as the older RSA algorithm. The smaller keys will also increase the number of TLS handshakes that your origins can process per second, thereby saving compute cycles and reducing your cost of cryptography.