AWS Open Source Blog

virtual-kubelet and Fargate

Running AWS Fargate with virtual-kubelet

中文版 AWS Fargate is a new compute engine that allows you to run containers without having to provision, manage, or scale servers. Today, Fargate is natively integrated with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). Since we announced Fargate at re:Invent 2017, many customers have told us that they were very interested in using Fargate to run […]

Deploying the Heptio Authenticator to kops

Deploying the Heptio Authenticator to kops

This post has been updated – Deploying the AWS IAM Authenticator to kops 中文版   The Kubernetes 1.10 release has included alpha support for the client-go package to process external ExecCredential providers. This is being used to power the authentication against Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) clusters while still following one of the […]

Elasticache Encryption-in-Transit graphic

Open Sourcing Encryption in Transit for Redis

中文版 Amazon Web Services announced today at redisconf that it is open sourcing encryption-in-transit for Redis, the leading in-memory key-value data store. Amazon ElastiCache for Redis added the encryption-in-transit feature last year to help our customers encrypt their Redis data sets and satisfy compliance requirements. We learned from our customers, and designed a solution that […]

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe

Meet the AWS team at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Copenhagen

AWS is a Platinum sponsor of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, taking place at the Bella Convention Center in Copenhagen, Denmark from April 30-May 4. The team will be there to talk about Kubernetes and containers in the cloud. Stop by booth P-E08 to learn more and see a demo of our upcoming Kubernetes service, Amazon […]

SAM - What's next? You!

Open Source News Roundup: April 13, 2018

Open Source News from the AWS Summit San Francisco The AWS Summit in San Francisco on April 4th saw a slew of announcements, including some in open source: SAM Implementation is now open source! “In 2016, we launched SAM and opened up the SAM specification on this Github repo to invite collaborators. We’ve loved your […]

“leak suspects report” provided by the MAT tool

Open Source Korean Analyzer Support in Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Need for an improved Korean analyzer in Amazon Elasticsearch Service (AES) Processing content for search in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean presents unique challenges. Typical processing done by a search engine, such as tokenizing based on whitespaces and stemming to derive root forms, is not sufficient for Asian languages, as many words […]

Open Source Leadership Summit 2018 Sonoma

AWS Presents at the Open Source Leadership Summit 2018

AWS 2018 索诺马开源领袖峰会 The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Leadership Summit (OSLS) was held this year in Sonoma, California. The summit offered a great opportunity for collaboration, learning, and sharing. The venue was chosen to help the recovery of a local community devastated by recent calamitous fires. I presented a talk on the growth of open […]