AWS Robotics Blog

Category: Announcements

AGV utilizing Box Robotics Warehouse HD technology to perform real-time 3D mapping of a facility

ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy: Setting a new standard for production robot development

The highly anticipated Robot Operating System 2 distribution Foxy Fitzroy (ROS 2 Foxy) has been released. ROS 2 Foxy is the most secure and reliable ROS distribution to date for production robotics application development. In this blog, we highlight key features and improvements available in this new release.

AWS RoboMaker's cloud simulation environment

Building Robot Operating System (ROS) 2.0 powered robots with the ROSBot 2.0 tutorial and Amazon Web Services (AWS)

The AWS robotics team works with different robotics hardware and software providers to make it easy for developers to build using the Robot Operating System (ROS). This blog discusses robotics reference hardware platforms and a tutorial from Husarion that developers can use to build robotics applications built on the ROS 2 Dashing Diademata distribution.