AWS Startups Blog

Tag: AI

How Emily Kennedy and Cara Jones, Co-Founders of Marinus Analytics, Are Using AI to Battle Sex Trafficking

The European trip she took at age 16 gave her not only perspective, but purpose. It put her on a career path she likely never would have gone down: combating human trafficking. She does this through her company Marinus Analytics, which provides law enforcement with tools that utilize artificial intelligence to help identify victims and their exploiters.

Fridtjof Detzner, Christian Springub & Matthias Henze of Jimdo

Jimdo Can Turn Anyone into a Website Developer                                          

When Germany natives Fridtjof Detzner and Christian Springub were teenagers, they began building websites for individuals and businesses. From there, it dawned on them: Why not figure out a way for clients to update and create sites themselves, minus the next-to-impossible coding part? In 2007, Jimdo was born.

Aaron Ames on Walking Robots

Tell a Robot to Take a Hike, and It Might Listen: “Cassie” Takes on the Pacific Crest Trail

For most adventurers, hiking the Pacific Crest Trail would be a crowning achievement in its own right. But one Caltech professor is upping the ante: he wants to design a robot that can complete the famous trek, all with outside assistance. That’s why Dr. Aaron Ames and his team have created Cassie, the world’s first fully autonomous robot designed to navigate the harshest and most complex environments in the world.