AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Bioinformatics

How Stoke Therapeutics Is Turbo-Charging Drug Discovery Using Snakemake and AWS

As a biotechnology company, Stoke Therapeutics is dedicated to addressing the underlying cause of severe diseases with RNA-based medicines. Identifying genomic signatures begins with computational analyses of publicly-available archived data and privately-generated sequencing data. Through AWS, Stoke has quick access to computing resources without the active management of on-prem hardware, enabling them to close the gap between sequencing and interpretation and dedicate more time to science.

AI-enabled Radiomics Revolutionizes Cancer Research and Treatment on AWS

Healthcare startup Healthmyne is a pioneer in applied radiomics, the cutting-edge field of extracting novel data and predictive biomarkers from medical images. Through their AI-enabled radiomic solutions, they help organizations access and easily translate ground-breaking radiomic insights into use in cancer research, treatment planning, and clinical management.

The Untapped Potential of Cloud Computing for Healthcare and Life Science Startups in Germany

The amount of healthcare data globally is increasing at a rapid scale. Germany has missed much of this revolution and lags behind other countries with regard to electronic health records and e-prescriptions, but it’s starting to open up. To ensure the country is not further hampered by a lack of digitization experience, providers, payers, patients, pharma companies and startups should look to cloud computing technology to help bridge the gap.