AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Company Profile

How Deep Imaging is Using Cloud Computing to Boost Oil and Gas Production Performance

Oil and gas operators are feeling the pinch. “Their wells are underperforming, so they can’t get enough oil out of the ground and they are missing financial forecasts,” says Josh Ulla, Chief Development Officer at Deep Imaging. Analytics are the life blood of the business world, but they haven’t yet taken a strong hold in the energy industry. That’s where startups like Deep Imaging Technologies come in.

webengage team

WebEngage: Personalizing Customer Engagement with AWS

As customers are distributed across different channels of acquisition, including social media, display advertising, or paid search, marketers need to deploy a strategy that spans across web, mobile, in-app, SMS, email, Facebook. The strategy also needs to follow the customer’s multi-platform journey to purchase. Founded in 2011, WebEngage enables marketers to do just this.

Ondiflo helps optimize oil and gas profitability with ai/ml

Ondiflo is Using Blockchain to Revolutionize the Oil and Gas Industry

While the oil and gas industry has a great history of collaboration on engineering and technology and is the source of many pioneering inventions, it is also highly regulated, under significant competitive pressures, and capital intensive, which has resulted in the creation of barriers to the sharing of information at an industry level, Rana Basu says. That’s why he and his Co-Founder Jean-Pierre Foehn decided to start Ondiflo, with the goal of delivering the benefits of IOTs, machine learning, and blockchain technology.

Enabling Cloud-Native App Builds with KintoHub

Deploy Cloud Native Apps in Seconds with KintoHub

Developer workflow KintoHub enables developers to build cloud-native apps. Founder Joseph Cooper shares how trying to find the sweet spot between a gaming API development platform and GitHub eventually led to KintoHub’s creation. Cooper also talks through how customers use KintoHub, how many startups he has founded, and what his thoughts are on the Hong Kong startup scene.

Temi China and the Rise of Personal Robots

Temi China and the Rise of Personal Robots

Temi is a personal robot that hopes to revolutionize communication. CEO Gal Goren shares how temi’s autonomous nature allows for an improved user experience, like hands-free video calling or tight subject matter focus. He also walks through the depth of its integration with Amazon Alexa, what its use cases are, and why the time for temi is now.  

protel hotelsoftware GmbH’s Journey to the Cloud

My friend Manfred Osthues and I developed the concept behind protel, including an early version of its GUI. When we showed our work to potential customers, every single hotel that saw our prototype wanted to know when the full PMS would be available. Since then, protel has maintained a steady set of core principles. But staying true to our vision has meant overhauling our software—sometimes radically—as the hospitality industry and its approach to technology have changed.