AWS Startups Blog

Tag: mvp

Evolutionary architectures series, part 1

Every startup begins as an idea. Before you start worrying about funding or staff or distribution or any of the other myriad things, you have your fresh, new idea—a product or service that you think has potential.

If your idea will rely on the cloud, you’ll need a cloud architecture. This blueprint will help usher your great idea into reality and, if built well, can evolve alongside your business as it grows.

A Startup’s Guide to AWS Services Series 3: Speeding Toward an MVP

Running a business is hard work, with a lot of moving parts. Startup founders have had to build, deploy, secure, scale, manage, and monitor their software products all while controlling operational costs. This installment of The Startup Guide to AWS Services video series matches services to situations to streamline the development process to develop and deploy an MVP fast.

Founder Security Fundamentals – Improved Security with Identity and Access Management

At Amazon Web Services, we work with thousands of new startups every year, and we know how hard founders work to balance the demands on scarce time and resources. Often, a startup’s first goal is to build a minimum viable product (MVP) and by following AWS best practices for IAM security, you can ensure that you’re building in a secure way and protecting your users and your business.


Putting Your MVP on the Path to Success (Webinar)

The biggest challenge for new startups is to get to market as quickly as possible before the money runs out — and prove that your company is set to take over the market. To accelerate time to market, you need a minimum viable product (MVP), or the smallest and quickest functional version of your idea. It’s something that can be tested quickly and easily, shipped and iterated as often as necessary, as feedback comes back. It proves not only that your new idea works, but that you have the ability to produce it, and the proof that your audience wants it. In this upcoming live webinar, learn how to successfully develop an MVP with AWS and propel your company on the path to success.