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Tag: Podcasts

What works podcast episode 9 on angel investing

Inside Angel Investing: Should You Join an Accelerator?

Accelerators are a great way to jumpstart a startup, offering technical and business help, a built-in network, and the unrelenting pressure of time to get your MVP ready for demo day. Eamonn Carey from TechStars London walks us through the reasons you might want to apply to an accelerator, and why for some, raising an angel round is the better course.

richard howard interview with sunil shah

Tough Feedback that Bounces Off, Always Thinking Bigger & Why Your Smallest Unit of Time Should Be a Minute

Sage Franch and her co-founders at Crescendo have all faced their own set of barriers in their work lives, whether that discrimination was based on gender, race, or any number of other cultural biases that can be endemic to many workplaces. They founded their startup to help companies learn about — and improve — their cultural competency, with software designed to promote diversity and inclusion.

richard howard interview with sunil shah

The Key to Sustaining Velocity

Sehkar Madathanapalli has built systems for some of the largest companies in Silicon Valley, as well as leading venture capital firms. With his own startup Liscio, where he is co-founder and CTO, Palli has baked in some of those big companies lessons alongside the startup tenets of speed and constant improvement. For Palli, it starts with a structure that is flat, but not too flat.