Amazon Supply Chain and Logistics

Tag: risk mitigation

Enhancing supply chain agility with AWS Supply Chain Vendor Lead Time Insights

Introduction  Supply chain agility is essential for organizations to remain competitive. Consumer demands, new technologies, and economic conditions can disrupt the balance between supply and demand. Supply planning, or accurately estimating the quantities of products, raw materials, or components needed to meet customer demand, represents one key supply chain challenge. Effective supply planning helps organizations […]

Improving visibility to increase supply chain resiliency with AWS Supply Chain

Global economic, environmental, and social factors are still disrupting supply chains. This limits organizations’ ability to meet customer demand and manage operational costs. While supply chain issues are attributed to a variety of causes, the lack of supply chain visibility is at the top of the list. Research by Gartner found that improved supply chain […]

Supply chain modernization – what to consider in planning for the future

Previously we argued that, given the world’s current turbulence, many businesses have few alternatives but to modernize their supply chains (SC) in preparation for the future. However, what exactly does modernization entail? What are the common themes for SC modernization? How do businesses in different industries approach these themes? What cloud solutions are useful? This […]