AWS Training and Certification Blog

Training and Certification Blog Editor

Author: Training and Certification Blog Editor

5 Dos and 5 Don’ts for teaching online

Contributed by: Andrew Schwarz, AWS Academy accredited educator at Louisiana State University We are in an exciting era of higher education. Digital native students are arriving in our classrooms armed with deep and broad experience with technology. And now, the COVID crisis is pushing us all to teach online, giving us a chance to think […]

Sportsbet leverages AWS Training and Certification to take control of their technology

Contributed by: Michael Foster, General Manager of Enterprise Technology at Sportsbet Sportsbet is the largest online bookmaker in Australia, but we can’t afford to rest on our laurels. Our competitors are constantly innovating, and to stay on top in an intensely competitive market we need a continuing commitment to progressive thinking, a willingness to take […]

Addressing the cloud talent drought alongside AWS with online learning

By Leah Belsky, Chief Enterprise Officer at Coursera  As the Fourth Industrial Revolution unfolds around the world, it is disrupting the nature of jobs and the skills that underpin them. The World Economic Forum predicts that the core skills required to perform most roles will change by more than 42 percent by 2020, meaning that […]

Explore the AWS Transit Gateway Networking and Scaling digital course

Are you considering use of AWS Transit Gateway in your AWS Cloud? We have created an interactive training module, called the AWS Transit Gateway Networking and Scaling course to help you learn how to set up a Transit Gateway and connect Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). This intermediate 200-level course is designed for someone who […]