AWS Training and Certification Blog

Learn machine learning like an Amazonian

It’s no secret that machine learning (ML) is a growing area of interest for people all over the world. But for many, even folks who work in tech, ML remains a bit mystifying. More ML happens on the AWS Cloud than anywhere else. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned ML engineer, there’s no better place to learn about ML than AWS Training and Certification.

For those interested in learning about all things ML on AWS, we offer more than 65 courses, many of them free, on-demand, and available digitally. Our digital courses build on the curriculum we use to train our own developers and data scientists, and they range from foundational to advanced. Novices can get started with courses like Demystifying AI/ML/DL and What is Machine Learning? Those with more experience can dig deep with courses like Speaking Of: Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Role-based learning paths

If you’re not sure where to start, you can follow one of our role-based ML learning paths. Each path offers a curated series of courses designed to get you started with ML quickly and efficiently by focusing on the topics most relevant to your specific role, whether current or aspirational. We currently offer ML learning paths for Business Decision Maker, Developer, Data Scientist, and Data Platform Engineer roles.

Live instruction

If you prefer learning with a live instructor, we offer both virtual and in-person classroom training. These instructor-led courses provide a convenient and flexible way to grow your skills from almost anywhere, while still allowing you to interact with a live, AWS-accredited instructor to ask questions and get on-the-spot, practical help.

Four-day ML Pipeline course

Our newest virtual instructor-led course is a four-day, project-based learning course, The Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS. This course explores how to use the ML pipeline to solve a real business problem in a project-based learning environment. First, you’ll learn about each phase of the pipeline from instructor presentations and demonstrations. Next, you’ll apply that knowledge to complete a project solving one of three business problems: fraud detection, recommendation engines, or flight delays. By the end of the course, you will have successfully built, trained, evaluated, tuned, and deployed an ML model using Amazon SageMaker in order to solve your selected business problem.

Get started today

Learning new skills doesn’t just make you more employable—it also makes you more satisfied with the work you do. According to Global Knowledge, IT professionals who took training reported 30 percent more job satisfaction than those without current training. Get started today with flexible options that bring training to you, virtually anytime and any place.