AWS Training and Certification Blog

Major upgrades to learner experience in Advanced Architecting on AWS course

Do you ever wonder whether your comments and suggestions in course evaluations matter? Well, they do! After reviewing your comments and suggestions, we made a major update to the Advanced Architecting on AWS course by incorporating those ideas to improve the course and meet your needs, and it feels brand new.

The updated Advanced Architecting on AWS course is available today. It’s a three-day, instructor-led course intended for cloud architects, solutions architects, and anyone who designs solutions for cloud infrastructures. Attendees should have existing knowledge and experience with core AWS services, including compute, storage, networking, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Without this knowledge, we recommend you attend the Architecting on AWS classroom training or have at least one year of experience operating AWS workloads. You can validate your prerequisite knowledge by achieving the AWS Certified Solutions Architect ─ Associate certification.

Course improvements

First, each module starts with a scenario that presents an architectural challenge that needs to be solved. Using that scenario, we present AWS services and features as solutions to the problem. Through this method, you’ll gain insights by participating in problem-based discussions and learning about the AWS services you can apply to meet the architecture challenges. These enhancements give the course a better architectural focus.

Second, we tightened the content. We cut down on some modules and added recently released AWS services to ensure the content is current. Our delivery method has also been optimized for virtual delivery. Each module is approximately one hour or less of lecture.

Third, we built upon content from the Architecting on AWS course to eliminate redundancy. For example, Architecting on AWS covers virtual private cloud (VPC) networking, but in Advanced Architecting on AWS, we take that foundation and add hybrid connectivity options to expand out from a VPC.

Fourth, we added another lab and built labs that allow you to practice what you learned. We also added a final project. The final project puts you in charge—you get to review the scenarios and test your skills by selecting the right solution for the problem.

Customers who took our beta version of Advanced Architecting on AWS told us the format is good, the use-case examples are like those they experience at work, and the instructor’s explanations and answers to questions add value. If you haven’t had a chance to take Advanced Architecting on AWS, we hope you’ll enroll now. Thank you to those of you who provide comments or suggestions—please keep them coming. Your input is how we keep improving to create the best trainings for your cloud skills growth.