AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code now supports Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

Posted on: Feb 6, 2025

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code (VSCode) now includes Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility). This integration allows customers to use VS Code to view, create and manage Amazon DocumentDB resources.

To get started, you can download the latest AWS-Toolkit extension from VSCode marketplace or update your AWS-Toolkit extension if you already have it installed in your VSCode environment. Then you can configure the extension with credentials for your AWS account and connect to AWS explorer in VSCode. Once connected, you can interact with the DocumentDB menu item to create DocumentDB clusters or manage your existing DocumentDB clusters.
To learn more, see Amazon DocumentDB support in VSCode.

Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed, native JSON database that makes it simple and cost-effective to operate critical document workloads at virtually any scale without managing infrastructure. To learn more about Amazon DocumentDB, please visit the Amazon DocumentDB product page, pricing page and documentation.