AWS Database Blog

New Amazon Neptune engine version delivers up to 9 times faster and 10 times higher throughput for openCypher query performance

Starting with the Amazon Neptune engine version 1.3.2.X, openCypher query performance is up to 9 times faster and provides up to 10 times higher throughput than previous engine releases. You can create a new cluster or upgrade to this release for faster query performance, more open source features, and additional benefits.

Export Amazon RDS for MySQL and MariaDB databases to Amazon S3 using a custom API

As customers are migrating to the AWS Cloud to take advantage of managed database services such as Amazon RDS for MySQL, Amazon RDS for MariaDB, and Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition, they also look to automate these administrative tasks. This post shows how a DBA or other user with access to a custom API can make MySQL and MariaDB backup requests. It uses Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with the AWS CDK to simplify the deployment.

Key considerations for successful database management during a merger and acquisition

Databases form a key part of any enterprise and managing databases during an M&A requires careful planning and implementation to ensure a smooth transition and to maintain data integrity. In this post, we highlight some of the key considerations for successful database management during a merger or acquisition spanning from data assessment to integration strategies.

Enhance database performance with Amazon RDS dedicated log volumes

For those seeking to achieve consistent database transaction performance, Amazon RDS has introduced a new feature: dedicated log volume (DLV). This feature is an additional storage volume specifically for database transaction logs. In this post, we examine common DLV performance benefits, use cases, monitoring capabilities, and the cost of deployment.

Achieve near real-time analytics with Amazon DynamoDB and zero-ETL for Amazon OpenSearch Service

In this post, we explore how to transition from using Rockset to OpenSearch Service for your DynamoDB use-case effectively. To illustrate this integration, we consider a real-world example of a gaming company that tracks user interactions, such as in-game purchases and player scores, using DynamoDB. This data needs to be analyzed in real time to provide insights into user behavior, detect anomalies, and personalize the gaming experience.

Introducing Curated Solutions for Databases on AWS

Solutions on AWS help you simplify cloud adoption and accelerate time-to-value by delivering proven, ready-to-deploy architectures tailored for industry, cross-industry, and technology use cases. We have recently added a number of Guidance topics to Solutions for Databases. In this post, we provide a quick reference to the newest Guidance and how it can be used to address your business needs.

Migrate an Amazon QLDB Ledger to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

In this post, we demonstrate a process for migrating an Amazon QLDB ledger into Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL using the US Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) sample ledger from the tutorial in the Amazon QLDB Developer Guide as an example. You may use this solution as a foundation for your own migration, altering it as necessary for your schema and migration strategy.

Replace Amazon QLDB with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL for audit use cases

In this post, we discuss how to use Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition as an alternative to Amazon QLDB for auditing and what features of Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL can replace some of the unique capabilities offered by Amazon QLDB.