AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Security

Upcoming AWS Partner Webinars – May

Every month, we’ll be providing you information about upcoming AWS Partner Webinars featuring a select number of AWS Competency Partners. These webinars feature technical sessions led by AWS solutions architects and engineers, live demonstrations, customer examples, and Q&A with AWS experts. We have two upcoming security webinars we want to highlight featuring and Trend Micro. […]

Now Available: New AWS Training Curriculum on Security

It’s probably no surprise that information security is one of today’s most sought after IT specialties. We also understand how deeply important it is to you, our APN Partners, and your customers. So today we’re launching a new AWS Training curriculum focused on security. The curriculum’s two new classes are designed to help you and your customers meet cloud security […]

Newest APN Competency: Security Partner Solutions

Security is the top priority at AWS, and we work with a global ecosystem of APN Partners who provide security solutions on AWS. In fact, we spoke about our vast ecosystem at the Chicago Summit on July 1st: Today, we’re thrilled to announce an important new launch for our APN Partners: the launch of the APN […]

Offering Disruptive Security Solutions on the AWS Marketplace: Barracuda, an APN Technology Partner

Security is our top priority at Amazon Web Services (AWS). We invest heavily in security and compliance measures to ensure our cloud computing environment meets and exceeds the stringent standards of our diverse customer base. Further, we view security as a shared responsibility with our customers. AWS manages and controls the components from the host […]