AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Migrate and Modernize Cloudera On-Premises to CDP on AWS and procure the benefits of AWS cloud infrastructure

By Nidhi Gupta and Tamara Astakhova, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect – AWS
Battulga Purevragchaa, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect at AWS
Nijjwol Lamsal, Senior Partner Engineer, Cloudera
Balazs Gaspar, Product Manager, Cloudera

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Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is a hybrid data platform that manages, secures and connects the data lifecycle on AWS, it is an enterprise data platform that is easy to deploy, manage, and use. Migration to CDP on AWS empowers businesses to harness the benefits of cloud computing, streamline operations, improve performance, and position themselves for future growth and innovation. Businesses are drawn to the scalability and flexibility that AWS offers, enabling them to seamlessly adjust resources to meet evolving data demands.

In this blog, we will discuss a multitude of compelling reasons and supporting resources for customers to migrate their on-premises Cloudera workloads to CDP on AWS.

Business Driver for migrating workloads to CDP on AWS

Migrating from on-premises setup to CDP on AWS offers numerous advantages for organizations. This migration not only optimizes cost structures but also elevates performance by leveraging AWS’s robust computing capabilities. Agility is a key advantage, allowing organizations to quickly and securely provision, deploy, and scale their data solutions, ultimately enhancing their responsiveness to workload dynamics in real-time. Integration with a wide array of AWS services further enriches the data ecosystem, and their robust security and compliance features ensures data integrity. In addition, businesses benefit from reduced infrastructure management overhead, freeing resources for more strategic endeavors. The migration to CDP on AWS paves the way for greater innovation, support, and adaptability in a rapidly evolving data landscape.

CDP on AWS Architecture

Building to the appropriate architecture foundation is a critical and essential prerequisite to guarantee that your migration endeavor aligns with your performance and operational expectations. To align with the assumptions laid out in this playbook, it’s imperative that your target data environment on AWS, whether it’s on virtual private cloud (VPC) hosted instances or CDP 7.x, mirrors your source environment in terms of operating system, software versions, and key hardware specifications.

The accompanying diagram illustrates infrastructure elements constituting the CDP 7.x environment, elucidating the interplay between different tiers or infrastructure components. Subsequent sections provide a more comprehensive description of each tier, shedding light on their individual roles and functionalities.


Figure 1 – Cloudera Data Platform Services and Components

How to get started with CDP on AWS

To make the deployment and migration easy for customers, we have built the following resources.

  • Partner Solution to deploy CDP to AWS

This Partner Solution uses a Terraform module to deploy Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud using the AWS best practices.

This pattern describes the high-level steps and considerations for migrating your on-premises Cloudera Distributed Hadoop (CDH), Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP), and Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) workloads to CDP Public Cloud on AWS.

What are the benefits for Cloudera customers to migrating to AWS

The migration to a modern data platform on AWS offers a range of compelling benefits. It accelerates the deployment of multi-functional analytics, drastically reducing the time to value. This approach fosters agility, facilitating swift provisioning, deployment, and scaling, ultimately driving innovation. Furthermore, it leads to significant cost savings by shifting from capital expenditures to operational expenditures and paying only for the resources consumed.

Integrating the Cloudera platform with AWS’s native services ensures a complete and dependable data ecosystem in the cloud. This enhances the speed and ease of gaining insights from data in a hybrid cloud environment, while maintaining the robust security and governance that customers expect from AWS and Cloudera, a significant distinguishing feature. Importantly, the migration avoids the need for application rewrites, costly refactoring, or extensive retraining.

Additionally, it empowers users to efficiently manage cloud costs by automatically starting and suspending workloads as needed, offering granular control based on user type, workload type, and workload priority. This approach effectively combats data silos, allowing centralized control over customer and operational data across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. Moreover, organizations can leverage existing AWS credits and discounts, with the option to purchase through the AWS Marketplace. This comprehensive approach to data management on AWS delivers a powerful combination of speed, cost efficiency, security, and control.

Using the AWS ISV Workload Migration Program

Cloudera is a participant in the AWS ISV Workload Migration Program to help customers accelerate their cloud journeys and achieve their business goals by migrating their workloads to CDP on AWS. Through this collaboration, we have developed above-mentioned technical resources using our best practices and proven methodology – backed by AWS credits incentive – that enables customers to successfully execute on their digital transformation initiatives by offsetting the migration costs. Learn about the Workload Migration Program – would be great to have a link point to a microsite for contacting Cloudera Sales team here, such as this.


In this blog, we learnt how customers can efficiently migrate and setup their workloads to CDP on AWS leveraging Migration Pattern, enabling them to expeditiously initiate clusters, expand their computing and storage capabilities as required, and execute intricate data processing and analytical tasks. Additionally, users can efficiently discover, organize, and exchange data, facilitating self-service accessibility to reliable data and analytical tools. The intelligent autoscaling of workloads further optimizes cloud infrastructure utilization, resulting in more cost-effective operations. Subscribe to the 60-day CDP Public Cloud trial and start learning to build solutions with CDP on AWS.



Cloudera – AWS Partner Spotlight

Cloudera is an AWS Advanced Technology Partner and AWS Competency Partner that provides a fast, easy, and secure platform to help customers use data to solve demanding business challenges.

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