AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Config

How to Automate Cloud Governance to Achieve Safety at Speed

Compliance-as-code is an alternative to performing a manual audit. It’s an automated method to check that controls are being followed where rules are written in a programming language that can be run on an event. The source of this event could be from a recurring schedule, or from a change that has happened in the environment. Mechanical Rock uses AWS Service Catalog to distribute common infrastructure patterns that enable development teams to quickly build and deploy modern cloud native applications.

Automating Security, Governance, and Monitoring in AWS Landing Zone to Save Time, Effort, and Cost

Enterprises migrating to AWS with multiple applications and distributed teams often lack centralized governance, management, or security systems. With AWS Landing Zone, you can configure and provision a secure, scalable, automated, multi-account AWS environment aligned with AWS best practices without existing resources. It gives you granular, centralized control over your cloud workloads, with a consistent level of security and compliance across all accounts.

Tech Mahindra_AWS Solutions

Migrating Applications from Monolithic to Microservice on AWS

As cloud becomes the new normal, many businesses want to use its potential to improve their customer experience. Organizations all around the world are using the breadth and depth of AWS services to become more cloud-native. APN Partner Tech Mahindra helped Telia use AWS to modernize their customer information management (CIM) platform from monolithic to microservice for flexibility and scalability. Telia is a Europe-based telecom provider with 20,000 employees serving millions of customers across the globe.