AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces


Simplify Application Cutover with Integrated OmniDeq and AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

Containerization is a modernization pathway that can lead to strong business outcomes, but it’s not without its challenges. Applications being modernized normally require multiple rounds of application cutover—a manual process that demands highly skilled resources, often with high risk and costs. Explore a two-step modernization approach crafted by CloudHedge and AWS that helps organizations modernize an application continuously and incrementally, regardless of where they are in their journey.

Using CAST and AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces to Modernize Legacy Applications

Many organizations still rely on monolithic applications for their most critical business operations, where knowledge of the internal application structure is limited. Learn how to solve challenges related to transforming into a microservices architecture through recipes driven by CAST Software and AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces. CAST is an AWS Migration and Modernization Competency Partner and technology provider for software intelligence that enables digital transformation.

Safely Modernizing a Monolith with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is designed to help customers refactor existing applications incrementally, while increasing business agility and time to market and maximizing the business value of AWS. Follow a demonstration of an actual upgrade of a monolithic application with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces, including setting up the Migration Spaces environment and refactoring two microservices of the monolithic application.

Simplify Refactoring Monoliths to Microservices with AWS and vFunction

For complex and large legacy monoliths, enterprises can quickly run into a wall with rehosting alone. The more lines of code, classes, and interdependencies, the less value you get from lifting and shifting. Learn how AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces and vFunction help in the analysis of monolith applications, set priorities to extract the microservices, deploy the microservices in cloud-native AWS services, and route the user traffic with minimal effort.