AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Percepio AB


Detecting Bugs in Deployed IoT Devices Using Percepio DevAlert

The average cost of fixing bugs in an embedded device’s first year of service alone can run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Percepio DevAlert works with AWS IoT Core to alert developers when an error is first detected, and provides visual trace diagnostics to identify the root cause. Percepio is an APN Advanced Technology Partner specializing in visual trace diagnostics for embedded and IoT device software developers. 


How to Solve Tricky Embedded IoT Challenges with Insightful Analysis

Dig deeper into Amazon FreeRTOS and take a closer look at the communication stack for AWS IoT Core. Then learn how this communication can be analyzed using Percepio Tracealyzer, ensuring your system doesn’t generate unnecessary data traffic. We’ll present an example where two minor bugs sometimes coincided, causing the system to generate 10 times more data than expected, and how the cause of such issues can be identified.


Tracing Amazon FreeRTOS on NXP LPC54018

In this post, the first in an APN Blog series about Amazon FreeRTOS development for AWS IoT Core, we go through the setup required for running the Amazon FreeRTOS application, how it works on a high level, and how to connect it to AWS IoT Core. We will also present Percepio Tracealyzer, a tool for debugging the real-time behavior of Amazon FreeRTOS applications, together with a real-world example where Tracealyzer was used to analyze a connectivity issue I encountered when getting started with this project.