AWS Architecture Blog

Category: AR & VR

CloudXR Ref Architecture

Field Notes: Streaming VR to Wireless Headsets Using NVIDIA CloudXR

It’s exciting to see many consumer-grade virtual reality (VR) hardware options, but setting up hardware can be cumbersome, expensive and complicated. Wired headsets require high-powered graphics workstations, and a solution to prevent you from tripping over the wires. Many room-scale headsets require two external peripherals (or ‘light towers’) to be installed so the headset can […]

Glenn’s Take on re:Invent 2017 Part 1

GREETINGS FROM LAS VEGAS Glenn Gore here, Chief Architect for AWS. I’m in Las Vegas this week — with 43K others — for re:Invent 2017. We have a lot of exciting announcements this week. I’m going to post to the AWS Architecture blog each day with my take on what’s interesting about some of the […]