AWS Architecture Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Handling AWS Chargebacks for Enterprise Customers

As AWS product portfolios and feature sets grow, as an enterprise customer, you are likely to migrate your existing workloads and innovate your new products on AWS. To help you keep your cloud charges simple, you can use consolidated billing. This can, however, create complexity for your internal chargebacks, especially if some of your resources […]

Serverless Dynamic Web Pages in AWS: Provisioned with CloudFormation

***This blog is authored by Mike Okner of Monsanto, an AWS customer. It originally appeared on the Monsanto company blog. Minor edits were made to the original post.*** Recently, I was looking to create a status page app to monitor a few important internal services. I wanted this app to be as lightweight, reliable, and […]

Reactive Microservices Architecture on AWS

Microservice-application requirements have changed dramatically in recent years. These days, applications operate with petabytes of data, need almost 100% uptime, and end users expect sub-second response times. Typical N-tier applications can’t deliver on these requirements. Reactive Manifesto, published in 2014, describes the essential characteristics of reactive systems including: responsiveness, resiliency, elasticity, and being message driven. […]