AWS Cloud Financial Management

Achieve cost transparency and accountability with AWS Cost Categories

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To achieve cost transparency and accountability, you need to not only have a unified view of your billing and usage, but you have to be able to organize your data. Tracing your cost and usage information back to specific teams, projects, and initiatives is crucial to providing cost transparency across your organization, so you can quickly scale resources up and down, according to real-time business needs.

AWS Cost Categories allows you to categorize your cost and usage information precisely to your organizational structure and cost allocation needs such as teams, cost centers, geography, applications, and more. Once you’ve created your cost categories and their respective values, you can view, track, and optimize costs using Cost Categories in the AWS Cost Management suite of products such as AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR).

📖 GET STARTED: Managing your costs with AWS Cost Categories

The Keys to AWS Optimization

To learn more about AWS Cost Categories, check out the latest episode of The Keys to AWS Optimization Twitch series.

Get started now

Start using AWS Cost Categories now to map your cost and usage information to your organizational structure. Cost Categories lets you:

  • Define custom rules to categorize your cost to your internal business and organizational structures
  • Get an overview of your cost allocations within your Cost Categories
  • Define split charge rules to equitably allocate your costs across your Cost Categories
  • Set up integrations and use cost categories in other AWS Billing and Cost Management services