AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: *Post Types

Getting Started: Tracking AWS Cost Management Metrics

Collecting and analyzing data is critical to gaining valuable insights into your business and evaluating the effectiveness of your processes. Similar to how you measure your organizational activities, it is important to measure your AWS cost and usage efficiency metrics. This blog post introduces 5 key cost management metrics that you can use to help […]

Leveraging the CFM lever to move your business world

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world” – Archimedes. 451 Research’s recent whitepaper “Cloud Financial Management, Small Changes Can Make Big Impacts” (April 2020) highlights how organizations who are able to embrace the CFM lever correctly are able to accelerate both top […]

Organize your cost and usage data with AWS Cost Categories

Customers have let us know they want to better map their cost and usage data based on their needs, for example, organizations want to track business units that have consumed cloud resources to better manage those investments.  However, often times, they find cloud spend that cannot be traced back to the actual owners, and therefore […]

AWS Cost Explorer Rightsizing Recommendations Integrates with AWS Compute Optimizer

AWS Cost Explorer now delivers rightsizing recommendations across EC2 instance families through an integration with AWS Compute Optimizer, adding to existing support for rightsizing recommendations within the same instance family. To access Cost Explorer Rightsizing Recommendations, click on “Recommendations” in the left navigation pane, followed by “View All” in the “Resource optimization recommendations” section of the […]

Manage your Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) costs using AWS Budgets

by Deirdre Corley (Senior Product Manager – Amazon EFS) and Matthew Cowsert (Senior Product Manager – AWS Cost Management)   Introduction Since Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) launched in mid-2016, AWS customers have been taking advantage of the low-cost, cloud-native, fully managed NFS file system for Linux-based workloads. Recently we’ve been hearing from EFS customers […]

Launch: Compute Savings Plans now cover AWS Lambda Usage

We are excited to announce that AWS Compute Savings Plans now cover your Lambda usage! Customers have been excited about Savings Plans since their introduction in November. The reason is that Savings Plans provide additional flexibility, while retaining the savings potential that Reserved Instances are known for. With the inclusion of AWS Lambda to Compute […]

Public Beta: AWS Cost Categories

Since re:Invent, one of the hot topics in my queue has been identifying ways to better allocate and manage cloud costs. Today I wanted to quickly dive into how you can get started using Cost Categories, a new feature set that allows you to create custom groups on top of your cost and usage information. […]

Customer Obsession: AWS Cost & Usage Report Technical Documentation

AWS is unlike any other place I’ve ever worked. I’m not just saying this just because my 10-month-old Samoyed puppy is snoozing at my feet as I write this from my daily 20th floor downtown Seattle perch or because an engineer just stopped by with a spare General Porpoise donut for me that survived standup […]