AWS Cloud Financial Management

How-to chargeback shared services: An AWS Transit Gateway example

In this blog, we will review how to define a chargeback and cost allocation strategy, and then walk you through a reference architecture to build and automate the chargeback process. The example will provide prescriptive guidance to chargeback AWS Transit Gateway costs.

5 steps to establishing proactive cloud cost optimization

Cloud cost optimization is often implemented as a reactive activity, despite being intrinsically proactive by nature. By implementing these 5 cloud cost optimization best practices, you can ensure proactivity as you maximize realized business value and take advantage of the flexibility, agility, and scalability of cloud technologies and services.

Getting started with AWS Billing Conductor SKU pricing rules

AWS Billing Conductor (ABC) has launched SKU pricing rules, which allow you to change the rate for any resource running in your environment. In this blog, we’ll walk through how you can get started using this new feature, which lets you apply your chargeback method in a more targeted and consistent manner each month.

Starting your Cloud Financial Management journey: Cost visibility

As your company starts to innovate faster, develop new solutions, and take advantage of the flexible model of the cloud, you need to ensure your CFM setup can handle it all. To help you get started, this blog series is going to take you through each of the four AWS CFM principles: See, Save, Plan, and Run. We’ll give you practical recommendations you can implement to set your business up for success.

Changes to AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account Consoles Permissions

AWS will be retiring AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) actions for the Billing, Cost Management, and Account Consoles under the service prefix aws-portal and two actions under purchase order namespace, purchase-orders:ViewPurchaseOrders, and purchase-orders:ModifyPurchaseOrders. We are replacing them with new fine-grained service specific permissions that give you more control. Read this blog and understand how you can perform updates to your permissions so you can maintain intentional access control to Billing, Cost Management, and Account services.

AWS Cloud Financial Management 2022 Q4 recap

Hope you all had a memorable holiday and are ready to kickstart your Cloud Financial Management (CFM) effort for 2023. We were busy in Q4 last year and want to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you just started following our blog channel, we’ve provided reference links in this blog so you have the […]

AWS Compute Optimizer launches support for Amazon ECS services on AWS Fargate

One of the most common customer requests we receive is related to supporting containerized applications. Compute Optimizer now has recommendations to help you identify optimal CPU and memory configurations for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) services running on AWS Fargate.