AWS News Blog

Danilo Poccia

Author: Danilo Poccia

Danilo works with startups and companies of any size to support their innovation. In his role as Chief Evangelist (EMEA) at Amazon Web Services, he leverages his experience to help people bring their ideas to life, focusing on serverless architectures and event-driven programming, and on the technical and business impact of machine learning and edge computing. He is the author of AWS Lambda in Action from Manning.

New – AWS IoT Greengrass Adds Container Support and Management of Data Streams at the Edge

AWS IoT Greengrass extends cloud capabilities to edge devices, so that they can respond to local events in near real-time, even with intermittent connectivity. Today, we are adding two features that make it easier to build IoT solutions: Container support to deploy applications using the Greengrass Docker application deployment connector. Collect, process, and export data streams from […]

New – Using Step Functions to Orchestrate Amazon EMR Workloads

AWS Step Functions allows you to add serverless workflow automation to your applications. The steps of your workflow can run anywhere, including in AWS Lambda functions, on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), or on-premises. To simplify building workflows, Step Functions is directly integrated with multiple AWS Services: Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS […]

New – Insert, Update, Delete Data on S3 with Amazon EMR and Apache Hudi

Storing your data in Amazon S3 provides lots of benefits in terms of scale, reliability, and cost effectiveness. On top of that, you can leverage Amazon EMR to process and analyze your data using open source tools like Apache Spark, Hive, and Presto. As powerful as these tools are, it can still be challenging to deal with use cases where […]

New – Import Existing Resources into a CloudFormation Stack

With AWS CloudFormation, you can model your entire infrastructure with text files. In this way, you can treat your infrastructure as code and apply software development best practices, such as putting it under version control, or reviewing architectural changes with your team before deployment. Sometimes AWS resources initially created using the console or the AWS Command […]

New – Step Functions Support for Dynamic Parallelism

Microservices make applications easier to scale and faster to develop, but coordinating the components of a distributed application can be a daunting task. AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service that makes coordinating tasks easier by letting you design and run workflows that are made of steps, each step receiving as input the output of the previous […]

NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB – Available in Preview

I am always impressed by the flexibility of Amazon DynamoDB, providing our customers a fully-managed key-value and document database that can easily scale from a few requests per month to millions of requests per second. The DynamoDB team released so many great features recently, from on-demand capacity, to support for native ACID transactions. Here’s a […]

Amazon Forecast – Now Generally Available

Getting accurate time series forecasts from historical data is not an easy task. Last year at re:Invent we introduced Amazon Forecast, a fully managed service that requires no experience in machine learning to deliver highly accurate forecasts. I’m excited to share that Amazon Forecast is generally available today! With Amazon Forecast, there are no servers to provision. You […]

AWS Lake Formation – Now Generally Available

As soon as companies started to have data in digital format, it was possible for them to build a data warehouse, collecting data from their operational systems, such as Customer relationship management (CRM) and Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and use this information to support their business decisions. The reduction in costs of storage, together […]