AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

Coming Soon – Graviton2-Powered General Purpose, Compute-Optimized, & Memory-Optimized EC2 Instances

We launched the first generation (A1) of Arm-based, Graviton-powered EC2 instances at re:Invent 2018. Since that launch, thousands of our customers have used them to run many different types of scale-out workloads including containerized microservices, web servers, and data/log processing. The Operating System Vendors (OSV) and Independent Software Vendor (ISV) communities have been quick to […]

Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing

Nearly a decade ago I wrote about the Quantum Compute Cloud on April Fool’s Day. The future has arrived and you now have the opportunity to write quantum algorithms and to run them on actual quantum computers. Here’s what we are announcing today: Amazon Braket – A fully managed service that allows scientists, researchers, and […]

AWS Launches & Previews at re:Invent 2019 – Sunday, December 1st

Here’s a summary of the launches and previews that were announced at Midnight Madness! Launches AWS DeepRacer Update – New Features & New Racing Opportunities. AWS DeepComposer – Compose Music with Generative Machine Learning Models. Amazon Transcribe Medical – Real-Time Automatic Speech Recognition for Healthcare Customers. A New, Simplified, Bring-Your-Own-License Experience for Microsoft Windows Server. […]

Welcome to AWS Storage Day

Everyone on the AWS team has been working non-stop to make sure that re:Invent 2019 is the biggest and best one yet. Way back in September, the entire team of AWS News Bloggers gathered in Seattle for a set of top-secret briefings. We listened to the teams, read their PRFAQs (Press Release + FAQ), and […]