AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

Fast Forward – Provisioned IOPS for EBS Volumes

The I/O Imperative As I noted earlier this month, modern web and mobile applications are highly I/O dependent, storing and retrieving lots of data in order to deliver a rich and personalized experience. In order to give you the I/O performance and the flexibility that you need to build these types of applications, we’ve released […]

The AWS Report – Dave Peck, Co-Founder of Cloak

I recently interviewed Dave Peck, Co-Founder of Seattle-based Cloak. Designed for Macs, iPads, and iPhones, Cloak keeps you safe when you use public Wi-Fi networks in coffee shops, airports, hotels and conferences. It does this by creating an encrypted VPN connection between your device and and an Amazon EC2 instance run and managed by Cloak. […]

EC2 Reserved Instances for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

You can now purchase EC2 Reserved Instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Reserved Instances lower costs by giving you the option to make a low, one-time payment to reserve compute capacity and receive a significant discount on the hourly charge for that instance. Reserved Instances are complementary to existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux On-Demand Instances […]

New IDC White Paper – Business Value of Amazon Web Services Accelerates Over Time

Update (September 23, 2015): The 2012-era report mentioned in the blog post has been superseded by a newer one published in 2015. The post has been updated accordingly. Analysts Randy Perry and Stephen Hendrick of IDC have just published a commissioned white paper titled The Business Value of Amazon Web Services Accelerates Over Time. You […]

AWS Management Console Improvements (EC2 Tab)

We recently made some improvements to the EC2 tab of the AWS Management Console. It is now easier to access the AWS Marketplace and to configure attached storage (EBS volumes and ephemeral storage) for EC2 instances. Marketplace AccessThis one is really simple, but definitely worth covering. You can now access the AWS Marketplace from the […]

Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Microsoft Windows

Update (January 6, 2016) – The Windows scripts described in this blog post have been deprecated and are no longer available. For updated information on how to perform the same tasks in a more modern fashion, please take a look at Sending Performance Counters to CloudWatch and Logs to CloudWatch Logs, Configuring a Windows Instance […]