AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 Price Reduction

We’re always looking for ways to make AWS an even better value for our customers. If you’ve been reading this blog for an extended period of time you know that we reduce prices on our services from time to time. Effective September 1, 2010, we’ve reduced the On-Demand and Reserved Instance prices on the m2.2xlarge […]

Happy 4th Birthday Amazon EC2

I almost missed a really important anniversary! Yesterday marked Amazon EC2‘s fourth birthday. Here are some of the ways that EC2 has grown and changed in the last four years: Category 2006 2010 Regions One Four Availability Zones One Ten Availability Zones Instance Types One Nine Pricing Models One Three Storage Ephemeral Storage Ephemeral StorageElastic […]

Use Your Own Kernel with Amazon EC2

You can now use the Linux kernel of your choice when you boot up an Amazon EC2 instance. We have created a set of AKIs (Amazon Kernel Images) which contain the PV-Grub loader. This loader simply chain-boots the kernel provided in the associated AMI (Amazon Machine Image). Net-net, your instance ends up running the kernel […]

New Amazon EC2 Instance Type – The Cluster Compute Instance

A number of AWS users have been using Amazon EC2 to solve a variety of computationally intensive problems. Here’s a sampling: Atbrox and Lingit use Elastic MapReduce to build data sets that help individuals with dyslexia to improve their reading and writing skills. Systems integrator Cycle Computing helps Varian to run compute-intensive Monte Carlo simulations. […]

Big Data Workshop and EC2

Many fields in industry and academia are experiencing an exponential growth in data production and throughput, from social graph analysis to video transcoding to high energy physics. Constraints are everywhere when working with very large data sets, and provisioning sufficient storage and compute capacity for these fields is challenging. This is particularly true for biological […]