AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

IBM Tivoli Now Available on Amazon EC2

Adoption of the AWS Cloud by mainstream ISVs is underway as you read this. There are numerous posts about IBMs work to bring their product line into the AWS environment, and todays is no exception. IBM Tivoli monitoring is now available as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that runs as a virtual computer in the […]

The New AWS Simple Monthly Calculator

Our customers needed better ways to model their applications and estimate their costs. The flexible nature of on-demand scalable computing allows you pick and choose the services you like and only pay for those. Hence to give our customers an opportunity to estimate their costs, we have redesigned our current AWS Simple Monthly Calculator The […]

New EC2 High-Memory Instances

In many cases, scaling out (by launching additional instances) is the best way to bring additional CPU processing power and memory to bear on a problem, while also distributing network traffic across multiple NICs (Network Interface Controllers). Certain workloads, however, are better supported by scaling up with a more capacious instance. Examples of these workloads […]

Amazon EC2 – Now an Even Better Value

Effective November 1, 2009, the following per-hour prices will be in effect for Amazon EC2: US EU Linux Windows SQL Linux Windows SQL m1.small $0.085 $0.12 $0.095 $0.13 m1.large $0.34 $0.48 $1.08 $0.38 $0.52 $1.12 m1.xlarge $0.68 $0.96 $1.56 $0.76 $1.04 $1.64 c1.medium $0.17 $0.29 $0.19 $0.31 c1.xlarge $0.68 $1.16 $2.36 $0.76 $1.24 $2.44 This […]

New Public Data Set: YRI Trio

The YRI Trio Public Data Set provides complete genome sequence data for three Yoruba individuals from Ibadan, Nigeria, which represent the first human genomes sequenced using Illuminas next generation Sequence-by-Synthesis technology. This data represents some of the first individual human genomes to be sequenced and peer-reviewed (the full story is here). This article contains full […]

AWS Workshops in Beijing, Bangalore and Chennai

I will be in China and India starting next week. Apart from other meetings and presentations to user group, this time, I will be taking up 3-hour workshops. These workshops are targeted at architects and technical decision makers and attendees will get a chance to play with core AWS infrastructure services. If you are a […]