AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

Architectural diagram.

New AWS Wavelength Zone in Toronto – The First in Canada

Wireless communication has put us closer to each other. 5G networks increase the reach of what we can achieve to new use cases that need end-to-end low latency. With AWS Wavelength, you can deploy AWS compute and storage services within telecommunications providers’ data centers at the edge of the 5G networks. Your applications can then […]

Announcing AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-in HTTPS Endpoints for Single-Function Microservices

Organizations are adopting microservices architectures to build resilient and scalable applications using AWS Lambda. These applications are composed of multiple serverless functions that implement the business logic. Each function is mapped to API endpoints, methods, and resources using services such as Amazon API Gateway and Application Load Balancer. But sometimes all you need is a […]

AWS Lambda Now Supports Up to 10 GB Ephemeral Storage

Update July 12, 2022 – The Available Now section below has been edited for clarity to ensure the best experience for our readers.  Serverless applications are event-driven, using ephemeral compute functions ranging from web APIs, mobile backends, and streaming analytics to data processing stages in machine learning (ML) and high-performance applications. While AWS Lambda includes […]

AWS Week in Review – March 14, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! Welcome to the March 14 AWS Week in Review post, and Happy Pi Day! I hope you managed to catch some of our livestreamed Pi day celebration of the 16th […]

New – Amazon EC2 X2idn and X2iedn Instances for Memory-Intensive Workloads with Higher Network Bandwidth

In 2016, we launched Amazon EC2 X1 instances designed for large-scale and in-memory applications in the cloud. The price per GiB of RAM for X1 instances is among the lowest. X1 instances are ideal for high performance computing (HPC) applications and running in-memory databases like SAP HANA and big data processing engines such as Apache […]

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Let Your IPv6-only Workloads Connect to IPv4 Services

Today we are announcing two new capabilities for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) NAT gateway and Amazon Route 53, allowing your IPv6-only workloads to transparently communicate with IPV4-only services. Curious? Read on; I have details for you. Some of you are running very large workloads involving tens of thousands of virtual machines, containers, or […]

New – Amazon EC2 C6a Instances Powered By 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors for Compute-Intensive Workloads

At AWS re:Invent 2021, we launched Amazon EC2 M6a instances powered by the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC (Milan) processors, running at frequencies up to 3.6 GHz, which offer customers up to 35 percent improvement in price-performance compared to M5a instances. Many customers are looking for ways to optimize their cloud utilization, and they are taking […]

Console screenshot.

New for App Runner – VPC Support

With AWS App Runner, you can quickly deploy web applications and APIs at any scale. You can start with your source code or a container image, and App Runner will fully manage all infrastructure including servers, networking, and load balancing for your application. If you want, App Runner can also configure a deployment pipeline for […]