AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

Running Riak on AWS – New White Paper

Continuing with our theme of publishing white papers to show you how to run popular relational and NoSQL databases on AWS, I am pleased to tell you that our new Riak on AWS white paper is now available. Authored by AWS Solutions Architect Brian Holcomb (a one-time member of the Obama for America campaign), this […]

EBS Snapshot Copy Performance Improvement

The EBS Snapshot Copy feature gives you the power to copy EBS snapshots across AWS Regions. Effective today, we have made the snapshot copy even faster than before with support for incremental copies between Regions. It is now practical to copy snapshots to other regions more frequently, making it easier for you to develop applications […]

Amazon Route 53 Adds ELB Integration for DNS Failover

I’m happy to announce that Route 53 DNS Failover now supports Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) endpoints. Route 53 launched DNS Failover on February 11, 2013. With DNS Failover, Route 53 can detect an outage of your website and redirect your end users to alternate or backup locations that you specify. Route 53 DNS Failover relies […]

Choosing the Right EC2 Instance Type for Your Application

Over the past six or seven years I have had the opportunity to see customers of all sizes use Amazon EC2 to power their applications, including high traffic web sites, Genome analysis platforms, and SAP applications. I have learned that the developers of the most successful applications and services use a rigorous performance testing and […]