AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

Even More Features for AWS GovCloud (US)

What’s GovCloud? AWS GovCloud (US) is a gated community cloud designed to support the compliance needs of customer workloads with direct or indirect ties to U.S. Government functions, services, or regulations. The AWS GovCloud (US) framework adheres to U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) requirements. Hot on the heels of my last GovCloud post, […]

The New EC2 High Storage Instance Family

In our continuing quest to ensure that Amazon EC2 is applicable to an incredibly broad array of use cases, we are launching a new instance family today. The High Storage Eight Extra Large (hs1.8xlarge) instances are a great fit for applications that require high storage depth and high sequential I/O performance. Each instance includes 117 […]

The AWS Report – Jeff Lawson of Twilio

In the latest episode of The AWS Report, I spoke with Jeff Lawson of Twilio to learn more about what they do and how they use AWS: As Jeff noted, Twilio has a presence in six AWS Regions and their service is available in 40 countries. He told me that none of their developers or […]

AWS Elastic Beanstalk – Environment Resource Support + Updated PHP Runtime

AWS Elastic Beanstalk can now provision and configure AWS resources to power your application. In conjunction with a new version of our PHP runtime, you get more control and more flexibility with less code. In October, we announced the Elastic Beanstalk configuration files and talked about how they can help you configure EC2 instances without […]

EBS Snapshot Copy (Between Regions)

To make it even easier for you to build AWS applications that span regions, we’re introducing a new EBS Snapshot Copy feature today. You can now copy EBS snapshots between EC2 Regions. Why Copy? So, why would you want to copy an EBS Snapshot from one AWS Region to another? Here are some of the […]

AWS Expansion in Brazil – Elastic Beanstalk, Provisioned IOPS for EBS and RDS

We launched an AWS Region in Brazil almost a year ago, along with Portuguese and Spanish versions of the AWS Blog. Today we are adding the following new AWS functionality in the Region: AWS Elastic Beanstalk – You can now deploy and manage .NET, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Java applications in the AWS Cloud using […]

AWS Marketplace – Support for Windows Applications (ISVs Wanted)

Today we are opening up the AWS Marketplace to applications running on Microsoft Windows. We’re launching with an initial set of applications, with many more in the pipeline for release in the near future. If you are a Windows ISV (Independent Software Vendor), you should consider making your products available in the Marketplace. I’ll tell […]

AWS Marketplace – Additional EC2 Operating System Support (FreeBSD, Debian, CentOS)

We’re working hard to make the AWS Marketplace even more flexible and to make sure that it contains the operating systems, tools, and other resources that you need. Today we are adding support for three new open source operating systems: FreeBSD, CentOS, and Debian. We are also making it easier for you to find software […]