AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon DynamoDB

Simplify Your DynamoDB Queries Using Secondary Index Scans

Let’s say you are building a data-intensive application. It might be for gaming, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT) or simply a modern web application.  You are customer-driven and you derive satisfaction from being able to rapidly respond to the ever-changing needs of your users. Their requirements are quickly evolving and the application needs to evolve […]

Amazon DynamoDB Update – Online Indexing & Reserved Capacity Improvements

Developers all over the world are using Amazon DynamoDB to build applications that take advantage of its ability to provide consistent low-latency performance. The developers that I have talked to enjoy the flexibility provided by DynamoDB’s schemaless model, along with the ability to scale capacity up and down as needed.  They also benefit from the […]

Sneak Preview – DynamoDB Streams

I would like to give you a quick, sneak preview of a new Amazon DynamoDB feature. We will be demonstrating it at AWS re:Invent and making it available to curious developers and partners for testing and feedback. Many AWS customers are using DynamoDB as the primary storage mechanism for their applications. Some of them use […]

Sweet Treats for DynamoDB Users

My friends on the DynamoDB team sent me a tasty bribe (courtesy of Seattle’s Trophy Cupcakes) in a successful attempt to get me to tell you about some features that I didn’t have time to tell you about earlier this month! As you may know from my previous post, we launched support for JSON, increased […]

Amazon DynamoDB Update – JSON, Expanded Free Tier, Flexible Scaling, Larger Items

Amazon DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service for all applications that need consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. Our customers love the fact that they can get started quickly and simply (and often at no charge, within the AWS Free Tier) and then seamlessly scale to store any amount […]