AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

Free ISBN Web Service

From The Programmable Web comes word of, a large database of  books indexed by ISBN. Of interest to developers is the fact that there is a complete (and free) REST API. Items in the site are organized (and accessible) via book, subject, category, author, and publisher index. Several (ok, many) ECS developers have asked […]

AWS with PHP and Ajax

Ajax Magazine is running a multi-part series on the use of PHP and Ajax to create an AWS-powered application: Part 1 is already up. It creates a basic site with dynamic search functionality. Part 2 adds price  comparison across the 6 Amazon sites supported by ECS. Part 3 adds browsing functionality. Part 4 adds a […]

Mechanical Turk Controller Class in C#

Over at, Andrew has released a nice C# class which provides a clean and simple way to access the Mechanical Turk. Andrew’s code implements a TurkController class with clean, simple methods like GetQualificationRequests(), GetQualificationTypes(), ApproveQualification(), GetAccountBalance(), CreateQualification(), CreateHIT(), GetReviewableHITs(), DisposeHIT(), and so forth. It uses the SOAP version of the APIs and handles the […]

Amazon ECS.Net Library

AmazonECS.Net is a free, open source .Net library. The library was used to build the DVDs Universe site. Classes are provided to represent many ECS search and lookup operations including requests for item details, new releases, browse node children, browse node paths, similar items, top sellers, and the shopping cart. The site also includes demos […]

Ning Does Amazon!

The freshly released Ning application environment includes a set of APIs to access AWS. The API is rather lean and mean at the moment — it includes ItemSearch and ItemLookup calls, along with some methods for dealing with search results of various types. You will need developer-level access to Ning in order to find and […]