AWS News Blog

Category: News

In the Works – Amazon RDS on VMware

Database administrators spend a lot of time provisioning hardware, installing and patching operating systems and databases, and managing backups. All of this undifferentiated heavy lifting keeps the lights on but often takes time away from higher-level efforts that have a higher return on investment. For many years, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) has taken care […]

New – Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates for Amazon FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS is an operating system for the microcontrollers that power connected devices such as appliances, fitness trackers, industrial sensors, smart utility meters, security systems, and the like. Designed for use in small, low-powered devices, Amazon FreeRTOS extends the FreeRTOS kernel with libraries for communication with cloud services such as AWS IoT Core and with more […]

Amazon Lightsail Update – More Instance Sizes and Price Reductions

Amazon Lightsail gives you access to the power of AWS, with the simplicity of a VPS (Virtual Private Server). You choose a configuration from a menu and launch a virtual machine (an instance) preconfigured with SSD-based storage, DNS management, and a static IP address. You can use Linux or Windows, and can even choose between […]

New – Provisioned Throughput for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) lets you create petabyte-scale file systems that can be accessed in massively parallel fashion from hundreds or thousands of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) servers and on-premises resources, scaling on demand without disrupting applications. Behind the scenes, storage is distributed across multiple Availability Zones and redundant storage servers […]

Now Available: R5, R5d, and z1d Instances

Just last week I told you about our plans to launch EC2 Instances with Faster Processors and More Memory. Today I am happy to report that the R5, R5d, and z1d instances are available now and you can start using them today. Let’s take a look at each one! R5 Instances The memory-optimized R5 instances […]