AWS News Blog

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup — Amazon ECS, RDS for MySQL, EMR Studio, AWS Community, and more — January 22, 2024

As usual, a lot has happened in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) universe this past week. I’m also excited about all the AWS Community events and initiatives that are happening around the world. Let’s take a look together! Last week’s launches Here are some launches that got my attention: Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup—Amazon Route53, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon SageMaker, and more – January 15, 2024

We are in January, the start of a new year, and I imagine many of you have made a new year resolution to learn something new. If you want to learn something new and get a free Amazon Web Services (AWS) Learning Badge, check out the new Events and Workflows Learning Path. This learning path […]

Amazon ECS supports a native integration with Amazon EBS volumes for data-intensive workloads

Today we are announcing that Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) supports an integration with Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), making it easier to run a wider range of data processing workloads. You can provision Amazon EBS storage for your ECS tasks running on AWS Fargate and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) without […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

Happy New Year! AWS Weekly Roundup – January 8, 2024

Happy New Year! Cloud technologies, machine learning, and generative AI have become more accessible, impacting nearly every aspect of our lives. Amazon CTO Dr. Werner Vogels offers four tech predictions for 2024 and beyond: Generative AI becomes culturally aware FemTech finally takes off AI assistants redefine developer productivity Education evolves to match the speed of […]

Your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 databases will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support

Today, we are announcing that your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 database instances running on Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support starting on February 29, 2024. This will help avoid unplanned downtime and compatibility issues that can arise with automatically upgrading to a […]

DNS over HTTPS is now available in Amazon Route 53 Resolver

Starting today, Amazon Route 53 Resolver supports using the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol for both inbound and outbound Resolver endpoints. As the name suggests, DoH supports HTTP or HTTP/2 over TLS to encrypt the data exchanged for Domain Name System (DNS) resolutions. Using TLS encryption, DoH increases privacy and security by preventing eavesdropping and […]