AWS Compute Blog

Category: Networking & Content Delivery

Route 53 Health Check

Building a Multi-region Serverless Application with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

This post written by: Magnus Bjorkman – Solutions Architect Many customers are looking to run their services at global scale, deploying their backend to multiple regions. In this post, we describe how to deploy a Serverless API into multiple regions and how to leverage Amazon Route 53 to route the traffic between regions. We use latency-based […]

Lambda Trigger

Implementing Default Directory Indexes in Amazon S3-backed Amazon CloudFront Origins Using Lambda@Edge

With the recent launch of Lambda@Edge, it’s now possible for you to provide even more robust functionality to your static websites. Amazon CloudFront is a content distribution network service. In this post, I show how you can use Lambda@Edge along with the CloudFront origin access identity (OAI) for Amazon S3 and still provide simple URLs […]

Messaging Fanout Pattern for Serverless Architectures Using Amazon SNS

Sam Dengler, Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect Serverless architectures allow solution builders to focus on solving challenges particular to their business, without assuming the overhead of managing infrastructure in AWS. AWS Lambda is a service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. When using Lambda in a serverless architecture, the goal should […]