AWS Compute Blog

Tag: contributed

Using certificate-based authentication for iOS applications with Amazon SNS

This blog post is written by Yashlin Naidoo, Arnav Thakur, Kim Read, Guilherme Silva. Amazon SNS enables you to send notifications to a mobile push endpoint using a platform application endpoint by dispatching the notification on your application’s behalf. Push notifications for iOS apps are sent using Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). To send push […]

Architecture diagram

Using AWS Lambda to run external transactions on Db2 for IBM i

In this blog post, you learn how to run external transactions securely on Db2 for IBM i databases using a combination of Amazon ECR and AWS Lambda. By using Docker to package the driver, forwarder, and custom queries, you can execute transactions from Lambda, allowing modern architectures to interface directly with Db2 workloads. Get started by cloning the GitHub repository and following the deployment instructions.

Organization and Cost Center tags

Scaling AWS Lambda permissions with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

This blog post is written by Chris McPeek, Principal Solutions Architect. AWS Lambda now supports attribute-based access control (ABAC), allowing you to control access to Lambda functions within AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) using tags. With ABAC, you can scale an access control strategy by setting granular permissions with tags without requiring permissions updates […]

CodeWhisperer full function generation

Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer in the AWS Lambda console (In preview)

This blog post is written by Mark Richman, Senior Solutions Architect. Today, AWS is launching a new capability to integrate the Amazon CodeWhisperer experience with the AWS Lambda console code editor. Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)–powered service that helps improve developer productivity. It generates code recommendations based on their code comments written in […]

putProduct trace view

Simplifying serverless best practices with AWS Lambda Powertools for TypeScript

This blog post is written by Sara Gerion, Senior Solutions Architect. Development teams must have a shared understanding of the workloads they own and their expected behaviors to deliver business value fast and with confidence. The AWS Well-Architected Framework and its Serverless Lens provide architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective […]

Performance results

Optimizing Node.js dependencies in AWS Lambda

In this post, you learn how to improve Node.js cold start performance by up to 70% by bundling and minifying your code. You also learned how to provide a different version of AWS SDK for JavaScript and that dependencies and how they are imported affects the performance of Node.js Lambda functions. To achieve the best performance, use AWS SDK V3, bundle and minify your code, and avoid top-level imports.


Building a low-code speech “you know” counter using AWS Step Functions

This post is written by Doug Toppin, Software Development Engineer, and Kishore Dhamodaran, Solutions Architect. In public speaking, filler phrases can distract the audience and reduce the value and impact of what you are telling them. Reviewing recordings of presentations can be helpful to determine whether presenters are using filler phrases. Instead of manually reviewing […]