
Category: Elastic Load Balancing

Authenticating with Docker Hub for AWS Container Services

Docker Hub has recently updated its terms of service to introduce rate limits for container image pulls. While these limits don’t apply to accounts under a Pro or Team plan, anonymous users are limited to 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address, and authenticated free accounts are limited to 200 pulls per 6 hours. […]

AWS CodeDeploy now supports linear and canary deployments for Amazon ECS

AWS CodeDeploy has extended blue/green deployment support for Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to include canary and linear deployments for applications hosted on AWS Fargate or Amazon Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Blue/green deployments are a safe deployment strategy provided by AWS CodeDeploy for minimizing interruptions caused by changing application versions. This is accomplished by creating […]

Securing EKS Ingress With Contour And Let’s Encrypt The GitOps Way

This is a guest post by Stefan Prodan of Weaveworks. In Kubernetes terminology, Ingress exposes HTTP(S) routes from outside the cluster to services running within the cluster. An Ingress can be configured to provide Kubernetes services with externally-reachable URLs while performing load balancing and SSL/TLS termination. Kubernetes comes with an Ingress resource and there are several controllers that […]