
Tag: Amazon EKS

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Best practices for running Spark on Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS is becoming a popular choice among AWS customers for scheduling Spark applications on Kubernetes. It’s fully managed but still offers full Kubernetes capabilities for consolidating different workloads and getting a flexible scheduling API to optimize resources consumption. But Kubernetes is complex, and not all data engineers are familiar with how to set up […]

Autonomous ML-based detection and identification of root cause for incidents in microservices running on EKS

This blog was co-written with Gavin Cohen, VP of Product at Zebrium. Overview If you’ve never experienced the frustration of hunting for root cause through huge volumes of logs, then you’re one of the few lucky ones! The process typically starts by searching for errors around the time of the problem and then scanning for […]

Secure end-to-end traffic on Amazon EKS using TLS certificate in ACM, ALB, and Istio

I was helping a customer to migrate a Kubernetes workload from an on-premises data center into Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). The customer had an existing investment in Istio and wanted to continue using it as their preferred service mesh in the Amazon EKS environment. However, the customer was struggling to implement end-to-end encryption […]

How to use Application Load Balancer and Amazon Cognito to authenticate users for your Kubernetes web apps

This post describes how to use Amazon Cognito to authenticate users for web apps running in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) cluster.  Behind any identity management system resides a complex network of systems meant to keep data and services secure. These systems handle functions such as directory services, access management, identity authentication, and […]

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Backup and restore your Amazon EKS cluster resources using Velero

September 9th, 2023: This post was originally published December 1, 2021. We’ve updated the walkthrough instructions of this blog post to support the latest EKS versions and changes to the Velero Helm chart. Companies worldwide are adopting containers to encapsulate their microservices, and many of them choose Kubernetes for automating deployment, scaling, and managing their […]

Amazon EKS adds native support for Bottlerocket in Managed Node Groups

Today, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) announces native support for Bottlerocket in managed node groups. Bottlerocket is a Linux-based open-source operating system that is purpose-built by Amazon. It focuses on security and maintainability, and provides a reliable, consistent, and safe platform for container-based workloads. Amazon EKS managed node groups with Bottlerocket support enables you […]

Saga Orchestration pattern architecture

Implementing the Saga Orchestration pattern with Amazon EKS and Amazon SNS

This blog post proposes an ecommerce scenario with an Orders microservice, an Orders Rollback microservice and an Inventory microservice that communicate with each other. This communication happens while raising an order successfully or rolling back an order when the Inventory microservice reports an error. This communication is orchestrated with Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) […]

Use CloudFormation to automate management of the Fargate profile in Amazon EKS

Organizations are embracing microservices architectures and container-based deployments to gain agility, scalability, isolation, and separation of concerns. AWS Fargate, the serverless compute engine for running containers in the AWS Cloud, improves agility by taking away the undifferentiated heavy lifting of worker node provisioning and management. With Fargate, organizations can focus on building applications and application […]

Catching up with Managed Node Groups in Amazon EKS

Since its launch in 2018, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) has continued to deliver upon and expand its mission to simplify the process of building, securing, operating, and maintaining Kubernetes clusters. The first realization of that mission was a managed Kubernetes control plane, swapping the heavy lifting of provisioning, curating, and assembling the various […]

Persistent Storage using EFS for EKS on Bottlerocket

In this post, we discuss about how to achieve persistent storage with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters running on Bottlerocket OS with Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Persistent storage is needed for long running stateful applications to persist state for high availability or to scale out around shared datasets. This is true […]