
Tag: AWS Elastic Container Serice

Proactive scaling of Amazon ECS services using Amazon ECS Service Connect Metrics

Introduction This post discusses Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Service Connect, a capability that provides a secure and scalable way to connect different Amazon ECS service deployments. This enables seamless communication between micro-services while reducing the operational overhead. It provides features such as service discovery, load balancing, and network traffic metrics. This post primarily […]

Announcing Amazon ECS Task Definition Deletion

Today, we are happy to announce new functionality in Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS) that allows you to delete task definition revisions. Until now, you were only able to deregister a task definition revision and it would no longer display in your ListTaskDefinition API calls or in your Amazon ECS console, unless you specifically […]

Configuring KMS encryption at rest on ECR repositories with ECR replication

Introduction In this blog post, you’ll learn how to configure AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) at rest on Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) with image replication. By default, repository settings aren’t replicated, and with the information contained in this article, we’ll empower your organization to put security first while using the AWS tools […]

Announcing upcoming changes to the Amazon ECS console

Today, we’re excited to announce that the new Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) console becomes the default starting January 2023. The new console makes it easier to deploy containerized applications, configure load balancing, networking, monitoring, and gives you the new workflows for the effective operations and troubleshooting. Since its launch at re:Invent 2014, Amazon […]

A deep dive into Bottlerocket ECS Updater

Last month, we announced the general availability of the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) optimized Bottlerocket AMI. Today, I would like to focus on the Bottlerocket ECS Updater. The ECS Updater is a service you can install into your ECS cluster that helps you keep your Bottlerocket container instances up to date. Before I […]

CI/CD pipeline for testing containers on AWS Fargate with scaling to zero

Development teams are running manual and automated tests several times a day for their feature branches. Running tests locally is only one part of the process. To test workloads against other systems as well as give access to QA engineers, it requires deploying code to dedicated environments. These servers/VMs spend hours idling because new test […]