
Tag: eBPF

Empowering Kubernetes Observability with eBPF on Amazon EKS

Post co-written by Shahar Azulay, CEO and Co-Founder at GroundCover Introduction The abstraction introduced by Kubernetes allows teams to easily run applications at varying scale without worrying about resource allocation, autoscaling, or self-healing. However, abstraction isn’t without cost and adds complexity and difficulty tracking down the root cause of problems that Kubernetes users experience. To […]

Secure AWS Bottlerocket deployments on Amazon EKS with KubeArmor

Secure Bottlerocket deployments on Amazon EKS with KubeArmor

Introduction Bottlerocket is a security focused operating system (OS) image that provides out-of-the-box security options to protect host or worker nodes. While Bottlerocket is useful, the security of the pods and the containers is still the responsibility of the application developer or provider. KubeArmor, a CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) sandbox project, is a runtime […]

Turbocharging EKS networking with Bottlerocket, Calico, and eBPF

This post is co-authored by Alex Pollitt, Co-founder and CTO at Tigera, Inc. Recently Amazon announced support for Bottlerocket on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Bottlerocket is an open source Linux distribution built by Amazon to run containers focused on security, operations, and manageability at scale. You can learn more about Bottlerocket in this […]