
Tag: Gitops

Automating Amazon EKS with GitOps

This post is contributed by Anita Buehrle, Director of Content at Weaveworks. Companies want to go fast; they need to deploy more often, more reliably, and preferably with less overhead. GitOps is a fast and secure method for developers to manage and update complex applications and infrastructure running in Kubernetes. GitOps is an operations and […]

Getting started with AWS App Mesh and Amazon EKS

In this blog post we explain service mesh usage in containerized microservices and walk you through a concrete example of how to get started with AWS App Mesh with Amazon EKS. Increasingly, AWS customers adopt microservices to build scalable and resilient applications, reducing time-to-market. When moving from a monolithic to a microservices architecture, you break […]

Game DevOps made easy with AWS Game-Server CD Pipeline

This is a guest post by Anita Buehrle of Weaveworks. The biggest challenge faced by game publishers is the ability to deliver new features to players as quickly as possible. Not only do new features have to arrive quickly and reliably, but they also need to be delivered in a way that optimizes costs and […]

Securing EKS Ingress With Contour And Let’s Encrypt The GitOps Way

This is a guest post by Stefan Prodan of Weaveworks. In Kubernetes terminology, Ingress exposes HTTP(S) routes from outside the cluster to services running within the cluster. An Ingress can be configured to provide Kubernetes services with externally-reachable URLs while performing load balancing and SSL/TLS termination. Kubernetes comes with an Ingress resource and there are several controllers that […]

Autoscaling EKS on Fargate with custom metrics

This is a guest post by Stefan Prodan of Weaveworks. Autoscaling is an approach to automatically scale up or down workloads based on the resource usage. In Kubernetes, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) can scale pods based on observed CPU utilization and memory usage. Starting with Kubernetes 1.7, an aggregation layer was introduced that allows third-party […]

Help us write a new chapter for Gitops, Kubernetes, and Open Source collaboration

Introduction The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) team sees the ecosystem around automated software deployment as a technology frontier ripe with potential for groundbreaking innovation. Over the last twenty years, the way in which developers deploy and manage their applications has changed dramatically. Technology improvements in packaging, automation, and virtualization as well as shifts in […]