
Tag: k8s

Enabling cross-account access to Amazon EKS cluster resources

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to stand up or maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. The recent launches of managed node groups and Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate removes the need to provision and manage infrastructure for pods. Kubernetes […]

Kubernetes Logging powered by AWS for Fluent Bit

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Centralized logging is an instrumental component of running and managing Kubernetes clusters at scale. Developers need access to logs for debugging and monitoring applications, operations teams need access for monitoring applications, and security needs access for monitoring. These teams have […]

Using ALB Ingress Controller with Amazon EKS on Fargate

In December 2019, we announced the ability to use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service to run Kubernetes pods on AWS Fargate. Fargate eliminates the need for you to create or manage EC2 instances for your Kubernetes applications. When your pods start, Fargate automatically allocates compute resources on-demand to run them. Fargate is great for running and […]

Cost optimization for Kubernetes on AWS

Since publication, we reduced the price for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) by 50% to $0.10 per hour for each Kubernetes cluster that you run.  This post was contributed by AWS Container Hero, Casey Lee, Director of Engineering for Liatrio The combination of Amazon EKS for a managed Kubernetes control plane and Amazon EC2 for […]

Help us write a new chapter for Gitops, Kubernetes, and Open Source collaboration

Introduction The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) team sees the ecosystem around automated software deployment as a technology frontier ripe with potential for groundbreaking innovation. Over the last twenty years, the way in which developers deploy and manage their applications has changed dramatically. Technology improvements in packaging, automation, and virtualization as well as shifts in […]

Using sidecar injection on Amazon EKS with AWS App Mesh

AWS App Mesh works on the sidecar pattern where you must add containers to extend the behavior of existing containers. Kubernetes offers mutating admission controllers that allow operations teams to automate sidecar injection. In this post, I discuss the basics of the sidecar pattern and Kubernetes admission controllers and demonstrate how the App Mesh Sidecar […]