
Tag: Red Hat

Run Amazon EKS on RHEL Worker Nodes with IPVS Networking

Introduction Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) provides excellent abstraction from managing the Kubernetes control plane and data plane nodes that are responsible for operating and managing a cluster. AWS offers managed Amazon Machine Images, or AMIs, for Amazon Linux 2, Bottlerocket, and Windows Server. Many customers have requirements, or simply prefer, to use Red […]

Build ROSA Clusters with Terraform

Introduction With the recent release of the official Red Hat Cloud Services Provider for Terraform customers can now automate the provisioning Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters (ROSA) with Terraform. Previously, automating the creation of a ROSA cluster required using the OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI), either wrapping it in code or using additional […]

Integrate ROSA with AWS CodeCommit

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS is a fully managed OpenShift service, jointly supported by both Red Hat and Amazon Web Services and managed by Red Hat SRE team. ROSA is an opinionated OpenShift platform on AWS that takes away cluster lifecycle management from the customer, so that they can focus on building applications rather […]

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS: architecture and networking

Updated on August 3rd to include ROSA private clusters with PrivateLink. It’s not new to see customers migrate OpenShift workloads to AWS to take advantage of the cloud, as well as the portfolio of AWS native services to compliment the application workloads running in OpenShift. Recently, however, there has been a noted shift of customers […]

What’s new with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Customers have been able to deploy application workloads within Red Hat OpenShift on AWS for several years. AWS and Red Hat have continued to respond to customer feedback and reduce effort and help customers meet the agility requirements they desire. Modernization does not stop at the evolution of applications, but touches on every aspect of […]

AWS and Red Hat extend collaboration: announcing a new managed Red Hat OpenShift service on AWS

AWS gives customers the most choice to run their containerized applications. We released Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) to support deploying containers at scale with a fully managed Docker experience that is deeply integrated with AWS, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to provide managed Kubernetes, AWS Fargate so customers could run containers without managing infrastructure, […]