AWS Database Blog

Tag: Oracle to PostgreSQL

Convert JSON SQL queries from an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database

Customers use semi-structured or unstructured data storage for various business use cases, which is schema-less and flexible in nature. One such type of semi-structured data is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON stores data in the form of KEY, VALUE, LIST, and ARRAY formats. Oracle Database stores JSON object data in CLOB data type columns. PostgreSQL […]

Converting the SYSDATE function from Oracle to PostgreSQL

July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. An Oracle to PostgreSQL migration in the AWS Cloud can be a complex, multistage process with different technologies and skills involved, starting from the assessment stage to the cutover stage. For more information about the migration process, see Database Migration—What Do You Need to Know Before You […]

Migration tips for developers converting Oracle and SQL Server code to PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database systems. It is considered to be one of the top database choices when customers migrate from commercial databases such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. AWS provides two managed PostgreSQL options: Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora. In addition to providing managed PostgreSQL services, AWS also […]

How to solve some common challenges faced while migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL

Companies are experiencing exponential data growth year-over-year. Scaling the databases and the hardware infrastructure to keep up is becoming more and more challenging. If your workloads just are not suitable for non-relational data stores, how do you overcome the scaling challenges without spending tons of money in managing the underlying infrastructure? Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon […]

Challenges When Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL—and How to Overcome Them

David Rader is the vice president of engineering at OpenSCG. OpenSCG is an AWS Consulting Partner and a leading expert in PostgreSQL, helping customers migrate to, operate, and optimize PostgreSQL and other data platforms on premises and in the cloud. In previous posts, we looked at the overall approach for a successful database migration and […]

Strategy for Migrating Partitioned Tables from Oracle to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility

Sandeep Kariro is a big data architect and Akm Raziul is a database architect at Amazon Web Services. Enterprises have been using closed-source database systems for more than four decades. Managing data with these systems has been a critical part of running a successful business in every organization. You have to make a considerable investment […]

How to Migrate Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL

Knievel Co is a database engineer at Amazon Web Services. This blog post provides an overview on how you can migrate your Oracle database to PostgreSQL. The two biggest parts of a database migration are the schema conversion and the data replication. We go over how to use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) […]