AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Java

Running the AWS SDK for Android S3Uploader sample with Eclipse

As we announced previously, the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse now supports creating AWS-enabled Android projects, making it easier to get started talking to AWS services from your Android app. The Toolkit will also optionally create a sample Android application that talks to S3. Let’s walk through creating a new AWS Android project and running the […]

Configuring SDK Download Behavior in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse will automatically download new releases of the AWS SDK for Java, ensuring that you always have the most recent version of the service clients and productivity libraries. Some customers with slow network connections told us that the automatic downloads were sometimes triggered when they didn’t want to wait. In response, […]

Android Support in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

We’ve launched a new feature in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to make it even easier to create AWS enabled Android applications. The New AWS Android Project wizard creates an Android project preconfigured with the AWS SDK for Android in the classpath. The project can also optionally include a sample application demonstrating how to upload […]

Connecting to Amazon RDS Databases from Eclipse

When developing any application that uses a database, it’s incredibly important to have good tools at hand for working with the data in your database. Eclipse has great tools for working with relational data, and if you’re using the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) to manage your database, then configuring a connection to your […]

AWS re:Invent Wrap Up

We’re all back in the office after a great week at re:Invent! We enjoyed meeting so many customers and hearing feedback from you on how you’re using the AWS services, SDKs, and tools. If you weren’t able to attend AWS re:Invent this year, you can still check out lots of great video content online: Day […]

The AWS SDK for Java at re:Invent

The first ever AWS conference, re:Invent, has sold out! If you are one of the lucky people with a conference pass, we hope that you will come to hear Jason Fulghum and me speak about advanced features of the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. On Wednesday morning after the keynote, […]

Storing Java objects in Amazon DynamoDB tables

The AWS SDK for Java makes it easy to store objects in Amazon DynamoDB and get them back out again, all without having to write the code to transform your objects into table items and vice versa. All you need to do is annotate your domain classes in a few places and the SDK will […]

Welcome to the AWS SDKs and Tools Java blog

Welcome to the AWS SDKs and Tools Java blog. We’re glad to see you here! This blog features information for AWS Java developers, including: Demonstrations of new features in the AWS SDK for Java Announcements of new features in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Best practices for using the SDK Important AWS product announcements for […]