AWS Developer Tools Blog

Context Pattern added to the AWS SDK for Go

The AWS SDK for Go v1.8.0 release adds support for the API operation request functional options, and the Context pattern. Both of these features were high demand requests from our users. Request options allow you to easily configure and augment how the SDK makes API operation requests to AWS services. The SDK’s support for the Context pattern […]

Using Python and Amazon SQS FIFO Queues to Preserve Message Sequencing

Thanks to Alexandre Pinhel, Solutions Architect from our team for writing this post! Amazon SQS is a managed message queuing service that makes it simple to decouple application components. We recently announced an entirely new queue type, SQS FIFO (first-in, first out) queues with exactly-once processing and deduplication. SQS FIFO queues are now available in […]

Creating .NET Core AWS Lambda Projects without Visual Studio

In the last post, we talked about AWS Lambda deployment integration with the dotnet CLI, using the Amazon.Lambda.Tools NuGet package to deploy Lambda functions and serverless applications. But what if you want to create an AWS Lambda project outside of Visual Studio? This is especially important if you’re working on platforms other than Windows. The […]

Deploying .NET Core AWS Lambda Functions from the Command Line

In previous posts about our .NET Core support with AWS Lambda, we’ve shown how you can create Lambda functions and serverless applications with Visual Studio. But one of the most exciting things about .NET Core is its cross-platform support with the new command line interface (CLI) named dotnet. To help you develop Lambda functions outside […]

Time-to-Live Support in Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB recently added Time-to-Live (TTL) support, a way to automatically delete expired items from your DynamoDB table. This blog post discusses this feature, how it’s exposed in the AWS SDK for .NET, and how you can take advantage of it. Using Time-to-Live At a high-level, you configure TTL by choosing a particular attribute on […]

Client Constructors Now Deprecated in the AWS SDK for Java

A couple of weeks ago you might have noticed that the 1.11.84 version of the AWS SDK for Java included several deprecations – the most notable being the deprecation of the client constructors. Historically, you’ve been able to create a service client as shown here. AmazonSNS sns = new AmazonSNSClient(); This mechanism is now deprecated […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Support for Creating Maven Projects for AWS, Lambda, and Serverless Applications

I’m glad to announce that you can now leverage the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to create Maven projects for AWS, Lambda, and serverless applications now. If you’re new to using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to create a Lambda application, you can see the Lambda plugin for more information. If you’re not familiar with serverless applications, see the Serverless Application Model […]

Preview of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2017

Today we released a preview of our AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio that includes support for the release candidate (RC) version of Visual Studio 2017. Because this Visual Studio release contains some significant changes for extension developers, we’re making this preview available in advance of the formal release. We highly encourage you to pass along […]

Assume AWS IAM Roles with MFA Using the AWS SDK for Go

AWS SDK for Go v1.7.0 added the feature allowing your code to assume AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). This feature allows your applications to easily support users assuming IAM roles with MFA token codes with minimal setup and configuration. IAM roles enable you to manage granular permissions for a specific role or task, instead of applying those […]