AWS Developer Tools Blog

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Serverless Applications

I’m glad to announce that the AWS Lambda plugin in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse now supports serverless application development for Java. The serverless application (also called a Lambda-based application) is composed of functions triggered by events. In this blog, I provide two examples to show you how to leverage the Eclipse IDE to create and deploy a serverless […]

Introducing Support for Java SDK Generation in Amazon API Gateway

We are excited to announce support for generating a Java SDK for services fronted by Amazon API Gateway. The generated Java SDKs are compatible with Java 8 and later. Generated SDKs have first-class support for API keys, custom or AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication, automatic and configurable retries, exception handling, and more. In […]

Amazon CloudWatch Logs and .NET Logging Frameworks

You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to monitor, store, and access your application’s logs. To get log data into CloudWatch Logs, you can use an AWS SDK or install the CloudWatch Log agent to monitor certain log folders. Today, we’ve made it even easier to use CloudWatch Logs with .NET applications by integrating CloudWatch Logs […]

AWS Serverless Applications in Visual Studio

In the last post, I talked about the AWS Lambda Project template. The other new project template we added to Visual Studio is the AWS Serverless Application. This is our AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio implementation of the new AWS Serverless Application Model. Using this project type, you can develop a collection of AWS Lambda […]

AWS SDK for Ruby Modularization (Version 3)

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for Ruby is available now as a preview release. This version modularizes the monolithic SDK into service specific gems. Aside from gem packaging differences, version 3 interfaces are backwards compatible with version 2. You can install individual gems like so: $ gem install aws-sdk-s3 –version 1.0.0.rc1 You can install […]

Using the AWS Lambda Project in Visual Studio

Last week we launched C# and .NET Core support for AWS Lambda. That release provided updated tooling for Visual Studio to help you get started writing your AWS Lambda functions and deploy them right from Visual Studio. In this post, we describe how to create, deploy, and test an AWS Lambda project. Creating a Lambda […]

Amazon S3 Encryption Client Now Available for C++ Developers

My colleague, Conor Campbell, has great news for C++ developers who need to store sensitive information in Amazon S3. — Jonathan Many customers have asked for an Amazon S3 Encryption Client that is compatible with the existing Java client, and today we are delighted to provide it. You can now use the AWS SDK for […]

Chalice 0.4 & 0.5 Deliver Local Testing and Multifile Application Capabilities for Python Serverless Application Development

We’re continuing to add features to Chalice, a preview release of our microframework for Python serverless application development using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. Chalice is designed to make it simple and fast for Python developers to create REST APIs built in a serverless framework. In our latest releases, we’ve added initial versions for a couple […]

Using AWS SDK for Go API Setters

In release v1.5.0 of the AWS SDK for Go, we added setters to all API operation parameters. Setters give you the ability to set API parameters without directly taking the value’s address. The setters wrap this functionality internally so you don’t have to. The setters are a convenient way to reduce the need to use aws.String and similar utilities. The following code shows […]